Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Truth about Relationships

Relationships are causing so many people pain and suffering. Are you among them? If so, this message is for you. Our creator never intended for the male and female relationship to be as complicated as it is today. Why is this happening? Scripture tells us that God spoke about complicated error when He said, "My people perish because of a lack of knowledge." In view of the fact that God loves humanity and desires to bless all individuals in every area of their lives, He gave humanity a secret door that leads into divine happiness. This door is called Truth. This door is the mind. This mind has the ability to understand divine things. It is filled with divine wisdom. God made it simple for those who are seeking Truth, but it is complicated to those who believe their view is all there is. For them there is no hope. They believe there is no hope. They believe they are living the best they can; therefore life will always be hard for them. This hidden door is the mind of God Himself. This is the mind that understands divine knowledge. It is there for those who desire a better life, for scripture say, "Seek and ye shall find knock and the door will be open unto you." This mind is the door into true knowledge. It is the mind that enlightens and stimulates the conscious of mankind to receive true information. This mind is called, the mind of Christ. It is a spiritual mind that has come into the world through human flesh. This mind is a gift from God wrapped in human flesh, not paper but flesh. Inside this gift is the greatest possession that a man or woman can obtain, if he or she opens the gift. Inside this gift is a present called, the Spirit of Truth. It leads men and woman into all truth, including the truth about relationships. You can have it for the asking. Then experience all that God has in store for you. This is the born again experience. It is the re birthing of the human mind. The human mind and its frailties are replaced with the divine mind of Christ; with the Christ mind human beings can understand and appreciate True Love. So be blessed by looking under the Christ Tree and receive your gift of spiritual Truth.

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